I don't have much to show but this little moshling named "Squidge". I made her for the daughter for Christmas. I made three moshlings you can read more about on my general crafty blog here. The other two were sewn.

I made this Squidge the same way I did the Pygmy Puffs on one of my DIY looms. I used the stick pen loom just because it was handy at the moment.

These are a fairly easy project for the loom. I finished knitting the body in way less than an hour using two strands of furry yarn. It's like making a hair scrunchy. You knit off the rows until the tube length is equal to the width when laid flat. Then you bring the starting end row up though the inside of the loom; place a small wrapped hair elastic around it; place the stitches back onto the pegs to knit off and tie off the piece by gathering it shut. It doesn't have to be perfect when using furry yarn. Just try to find the first row of stitches the best you can. The fur will hide the stitches anyway. The toughest part was getting the many paired limbs and eyes on even when hand sewing them on.
Wish me luck getting some more projects finished to post about. I'll be posing our progress on the new design for the loom as we get it figured out. Right now I'm still looking at ways to make them out of materials I can actually get. Later!