Wednesday, March 10, 2010

STILL Nothing new to show

Well, here spring is just about here, and I have nothing to show from our long chilly fall/winter but a bunch of looms tangled in heaping piles of yarn. :) I have no excuse except that I've been very busy these past months with the tabistry, other crafting (see my other blogs) and life in general. Don't fret. I haven't thrown in the loom-knitted towel. I really want to get back to knitting. But, I usually head where inspiration takes me. At the moment, it's dragging me into my craft room to do some much needed cleaning and organizing.

Me and my SO, Samedi, are still brainstorming a design for a new variety of loom. This has been very difficult to create at a small enough gauge. Still not satisfied with the results. Being the more mechanically inclined of the two of us, he has been shooting down many of my solutions due to what he refers to as "reality". :) I'll keep you all posted if we make any headway. I think once we are successful, it should spark a greater interest for me in trying new things. Then, I should have many new projects, at least started. :)

Speaking of new projects, if you haven't yet found Brenda's loom knitting blog called "Loom Lore" at, you should really head over there. She is always thinking outside the loom with her amazing "rule-breaking" techniques. She really shares some clever ways use the loom that are sure to impress you. She is a master at making mock crochet items. I'm alway in awe when I see her new projects.